From: Garrett Maher <>
To: Mom-Mom <>
Date: Oct 20, 2011 11:24 AM
Subject: My Stats
Hi Mom-Mom,.
My first birthday is in only two weeks! I’ve come a long way in the last year. To honor this momentous occasion I felt it only appropriate to review my stats; My first tooth sprouted on May 23 and my second followed shortly after that. Me and my two bottom teeth were joined by my four top teeth at the end of July. I started crawling on July 28th, a little before turning nine months. I started pulling myself up right after our beach vacation at around nine and a half months. I started sleeping through the night at ten months. Last week I started standing unsupported and a couple days ago I took two steps by myself.
I give hugs and kisses. I give five and do the finger bump. I’ve recently started mimicking Mama and Dad. I know what’s coming when I touch something I shouldn’t… I shake my head before they have a chance to say no. I love making them laugh… my fake laughing always gets them.
When I hear a plane, I look and point to the sky. I point to the trees and the houses and the squirrels on our walks. On my early morning walks with dad and the dogs, it’s still dark out and I point to the moon. I always take my socks off. Recently I started trying to put them back on.